[KOCOWEEK] Online event 'Bojagi Dance Challenge' (March 2 – 24)
The long winter is coming to an end, and the weather is getting warmer!
I’m sure many of you have waited for spring.
With the perfect season to be more active coming up,
Korea Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) has launched a new fun online event for you
to dance to an exciting song to warm up your body.
Korea Contents Week (KOCOWEEK) brought to you by KOCIS
is a large-scale Korean cultural festival that has been going on since October last year
to share various aspects of Korean culture with the world.
KOCOWEEK includes official videos to show off various hidden beauties of Korea with five themes. These videos have shared various aspects of Korean culture with KOCOWEEK Ambassador Jeon Somi and 7 overseas Korean Cultural Centers, contents created with the National Museum of Korea, Asia Culture Center, and Namwon Gugak Center, as well as interesting events on Korean culture.
KOCOWEEK has received great attention from
all of our participants with various online events.
We had many participants from around the world join our online events including the
Hanbok Coloring Contest, Making a Korean Name Contest, and Finding B(o)J(a)G(i).
The fifth online event of KOCOWEEK, “Bojagi Dance Challenge,”
can be enjoyed by anyone who loves K-pop and dancing.
KOCOWEEK’s online event “Bojagi Dance Challenge” will be held from March 2nd to 24th.
Grab Korea’s traditional item bojagi made from a square cloth
and show off your moves by dancing to the songs of your favorite artists.
You may choose any song to dance to and choose any type of choreography!
But don’t forget your bojagi!
Grab your bojagi with your friends and family, take a video of you dancing,
and create your own bojagi dance video. You’re all set!
If you have made your bojagi dance video,
upload your video with the required hashtags
on your social media account (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram).
#kocoweek #bojagidance #koreacontentsweek
Then, like the event post on the KOCOWEEK Instagram account (@kocoweek) and leave a comment
with the link to your bojagi dance video, your name in English, and your e-mail address!
You can participate in the event from March 2 to 24,
and we will select winners who have shown incredible dance performances with Amazon Gift Cards.
[Check out a sample video for the KOCOWEEK Bojagi Dance Challenge]
Participate in the online event “Bojagi Dance Challenge,”
dance with your friends to the songs of K-pop artists,
learn about Korea’s traditional bojagi, and submit your entry for a chance to receive an Amazon gift card!
Kill two birds with one stone…or even three birds with one stone
with the amazing KOCOWEEK event “Bojagi Dance Challenge.”
Grab Korea’s traditional item bojagi,
and dance to songs of Blackpink, BTS, and other famous K-pop stars
to stir up the atmosphere!
Share the beauty of Korea’s traditional bojagi with K-pop that is spreading across the world,
and release your inner excitement!
For more information on the online event
“Bojagi Dance Challenge,”
check out the official KOCOWEEK Instagram account (@kocoweek).
Participate in KOCIS’s new online event, Bojagi Dance Challenge,
to become a new ambassador for Hallyu to share Korean culture.
Kocoweek website http://kocoweek.com/
Kocoweek instagram https://www.instagram.com/kocoweek/
Kocoweek facebook https://www.facebook.com/kocoweek/
Kocoweek youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rxLJ8WMEGRxSksii0bMGw
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